Siège social 

L’Atelier de la Lanterne

5 rue Léon Gambetta l 13500 Martigues l France     Tél: 06 64 71 22 74

SARL unipersonnelle au capital de 1000 € – Gérante  Eva STRABONI is an FFMBE and France Massage certified well-being massage practitioner, hydro-practitioner certified with a Title Approved by the State since 2005. She is an E.F.T practitioner, lithotherapy, emotional aromatherapy and an advisor in floral and mineral elixirs.

RCS 510269277 Aix en Provence

Rédaction Eva Straboni

Crédit photos

Massages : Jean jacques Danon ©

Portrait : Jean-Michel Blasco ©

Fotolia et Pixabay

Eva STRABONI is an FFMBE and France Massage certified well-being massage practitioner, hydro-practitioner certified with a Title Approved by the State since 2005. She is an E.F.T practitioner, lithotherapy, emotional aromatherapy and an advisor in floral and mineral elixirs.

Création du site internet : Sebastien TEBOUL pour

Hébergement : OVH SAS, 2 rue Kellermann – BP 80157 59053 ROUBAIX CEDEX 1 

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